Very well written, and absolutely nails what’s going on. We are all in different narrative bubbles.

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Thank you for this "come to Jesus" piece. I needed to hear this. I need to accept this...that this is a survival instinct in my family and friends, and to ask them to act differently is to ask a deer to become a predator. Today I will be struggling to accept this all day. And in the end I will. Thanks for waking me up out of my anger.

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It's a tough one! We now know precisely the degree to which we're separate from them.

At the risk of sounding like a kook, it boils down to where your consciousness resides: in a universe led by Tech-Pharma-Scientism; or in a universe led by 'universal intelligence' (whatever that means to a person).

(I was in the middle of an illustrated 'raising consciousness' alphabet when Fascistgram deleted my account. I have a nice 'Q for Quantum' that lists the major physicists who believed in universal intelligence/God. I'll have the post and finish the alphabet.)

'Forgive' – whatever that means to you – and move forward and away. :-)

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Warm greetings Elephant City,

A strong meta-ethical imploration, I shall forward this, thank-you.

To all if I may:

Forget appearances, just be, just do, Esse quam videri.

Bleed upon these shores, exhaust your soul, this is war, do not yield, simple ...

Be disciplined in your focus, thrifty with your energies, patient with your heart & just, fucking, know the why of your love, and it is easy.

Best wishes.


Veridical Paradox ...Mar 5

The most studied subject in the history of man, is man …

Perception management strategies, social engineering/behavioural predictation, and hyper-predatory cradle-to-grave marketing/consumer-programing mechanisms were all well understood, a very long time ago.

To emphasise this, Exhibit A would have to be Plato’s Allegory of the Cave …

The Asch conformity paradigm presented no new knowledge to the plutocrats many human chapters later …

Mockingbird’s cumulative obfuscations, de-re/contextualisations, myth building narratives, gaslighting programs and industrial, military-grade menticidal operations targeting domestic Western, Christian nation state citizenry inevitably led us to the collapse of the fourth estate.

I fear currently there is less ignorance & more submission than most acknowledge, many are disorientated in the illusory shell game of long lost property rights as decades old, well documented desovereignisation strategies materialise realities undeniably.

However, this transition has birthed the fifth, the last great Sentinel & though wonderful in her flare, complex is the navigation, here we now pause & muster …

‘Conspiracy Theory’ …

This term & it's toxic rippling shadow is a perfect example of an engineered neutralisation of society's self-defensive mechanisms of enquiry, examination & accountability.

The utilities & apparatus of the 'Kunlangeta' compound fraudulent, illogical, mythological & criminal narratives commanding self-censorship & the deactivation of critical thought at the whisper of this label, dividing & corrupting much.

The objective is simple & well declared, total spectrum domination is all, what part do you fail to understand?

'We, the conspiracy, externalise now yet still possess the power to forbid all of you from naming us …'

'This is madness!' …

Prefacing counter-arguments to those gracious & willing to sincerely explore my 'alternative' worldview, I generally open with a simple statement.

The history of mankind has been defined by the presence of conspiracy, not the absence of it.

It is ludicrous to assert that ‘power’ has no awareness of self, that ‘power’ will not exercise it’s resources in self-defence & expansion.

If uninvited to communicate;

Be patient, be gentle, be strong, take the hits & just love ...

Just, love ...

Wrath for the commissioners & architects, later ...

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

They turned on us, in a way that we never would have turned on them. Isn't it simpler to leave them to their own devices so that we can focus on building a world where we don't have to deal with them? Clearly, I'm not as forgiving as you are, and I'm confident there are enough of us that we can build a new world without their help. I don't see the point of trying to help people who hate us and who don't want to be helped. In a real sense, those who openly advocated for putting us in concentration camps and forcing us to take the jab were literally trying to kill us. Do we now say all is forgiven?

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It's a nice piece. But I'm sorry, I can't come with you.

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"You would not judge a paranoid schizophrenic for believing the hallucinations that plague him, nor would you condemn him for acting on those beliefs."

-I would condemn him for any crimes committed. People are responsible for their choices, regardless of their mental state. Not everyone agrees with the 'insanity defense', including many psychiatrists.

"This was never a choice for you: It’s in your blood and genes."

-Yes it was. Everything is a choice. I'm a human being with moral agency, and moral responsibility. I'm not a robot, slave or animal.

"I am merely explaining that those who fell for the Covid scam never had any choice in the matter – they were born to do exactly as they did."

-Yes, they did have a choice. A human being is not an animal driven completely by inborn instincts.

'If we are ever going to get those freedoms back, we will need the help of our friends and families on the “other side.”'

-No we don't. We are adults capable of building our own lives and community.

"We cannot risk driving them away with attempts to change their minds."

-Yes we can. If we don't they will most likely be dead soon anyway.

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